Saturday, November 20, 2010


Qirat competitions have arisen in Islamic countries. Males and females take part in these competitions to win cash, a prize or an award. While reading the Holy Quran should only be done for Allah SWT, these competitions promote the recitation of the Holy Quran for a prize, and hence, there is no element of Ikhlaas.
Women also take part in these competitions. While the female voice is forbidden for men in Islam, it is surprising that judges with long beards have no hesitation in listening to the Holy Quran read by women. Also, women have no hesitation in taking part in these competitions. Purdah, something that is strongly emphasized in Islam, is also not taken into consideration by the holders of Qirat competitions and by participants.
While Arab scholars are obsessed with bidah, I don’t see Arab scholars who promote such competitions calling them bidah. As far as I know, such competitions were not held at the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW, or at least not to win a prize or cash.
In Islam, the basis of any action is Ikhlaas. Any action without Ikhlaas becomes a sin. Also, when it is something as pure as reciting the Holy Quran, it should only be done for Allah SWT.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

sister ka share lena haraam hai

Many people don’t know that children in Islam have to be treated equally in terms of money. I was horrified to learn about a girl mentioning that her father brought her sister a 7 lac car but does not want to spend a single paisa on her university education. Here is a father spending on one daughter’s luxury but does not spend on another’s necessity.

There are many fathers like this. Obviously without any knowledge about Islam. While one child is favored, another is ignored. This is a sin and completely un-Islamic. This applies with sons too. All of them have to be treated equally.
Spending equally on children applies with inheritance money as well. It has to be distributed equally as Islam has outlined. Many people don’t give daughters inheritance money with the thought that her husband will spend on her. What is even more surprising is that brothers gladly accept the money which includes their sister’s right. This money is haram on the brothers, and haram money can take the shape of any problem, misery or disease. May Allah(S.A.W.) blass all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

In secular state, Nepal, police arrest Muslim for selling cow meat


It was back in May 18 of 2006, Nepal was pronounced a secular state and was no longer the ‘only Hindu nation in the world’. But, a news published on Nov. 5 in Kantipur and Himalayan Times implies that Nepal is still a ‘Hindu Kingdom’ in practice.
A Muslim from Siraha, Eastern Nepal, Mohammad Sabir, was arrested on charges of selling cow meat. Muslims don’t worship cows, and the "New Nepal" respects every religions.
Then, why is a Muslim arrested for selling cow meat? Is it only because Hindu (80% of the population) don’t eat it? Well, Muslims don’t eat pigs. Does that mean butchers selling pig meat should be arrested ?

cowAs long as the Muslim gets customers for his cow meat, it is nobody’s business to interfere on his rights to do business in secular Nepal. What surprised me more was, the leading newspapers like THT and  Kantipur consider the news a ‘crime’. Attached is the screenshot of the news from online edition of Kantipur.
Disclaimer: I am a Hindu, and I don’t eat cow meat.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



ग्वांग्जो के मुख्य प्रेस सेंटर में चीन और उसके आस-पास के इलाक़ों का एक मानचित्र लगा हुआ है.
उसके सामने से गुज़रते हुए नज़र अनायास ही भारत के हिस्से की ओर गई तो देखा कि उस क्षेत्र में एक सफ़ेद अलग सा हिस्सा बना है.
पास जाकर देखने पर पता चला कि कश्मीर के पूरे हिस्से को सफ़ेद रंग में दिखाया गया था जो कि भारत और पाकिस्तान दोनों से अलग है.
मगर उस कश्मीर को ध्यान से देखिए और भारत में मिलने वाले भारतीय मानचित्र से उसकी तुलना करिए तो देखेंगे कि कश्मीर के ऊपर का दाहिनी ओर का हिस्सा यहाँ चीन के हिस्से के रूप में दिखाया गया है.
यानी अकसाई चिन का हिस्सा चीन ने इस मानचित्र में चीन के हिस्से के रूप में ही दिखाया है.
चीन ने भारतीय कश्मीर के लोगों को पिछले दिनों वीज़ा स्टेपल करके दिया था जिस पर भारतीय सरकार ने आपत्ति भी की है मगर ये मानचित्र भी दिखाता है कि चीन पर कोई फ़र्क नहीं पड़ता और खेलों के दौरान भी उसकी राजनीति की बुनियादी सोच सामने है.

भारतीय समर्थक
खेलों में राजनीति का एक और उदाहरण भारत और जापान की महिलाओं की टीम के हॉकी मैच के दौरान दिखा.
जिन जगहों पर चीन की टीम शामिल नहीं है वहाँ वैसे ही भीड़ ज़्यादा नहीं रहती और इस हॉकी मैच में जो थे भी वे भारत का समर्थन करते नज़र आ रहे थे.
भारतीय टीम जब-जब जापान पर आक्रमण करती भीड़ उत्साहित हो जाती, तालियाँ बजाती और जैसे ही गोल चूक जाते वैसे ही भीड़ से ओह की आवाज़ें आतीं.
मुझे लगा कि भारत के इतने समर्थक चीनी लोग कहाँ से आ गए पर तभी समझ आया कि दरअसल यहाँ भारत के समर्थक नहीं बल्कि जापान के विरोधी लोग बैठे हुए हैं.
जापान और चीन के बीच भी कुछ द्वीपों पर नियंत्रण को लेकर कूटनीतिक स्तर पर तनाव है जिसकी वजह से चीन के लोग जापान का विरोध करने के लिए भारत का समर्थन कर रहे थे...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

EID-UL-ZUHA also called BAKRID

BAKRI - ID Also Known As : Idul Adha Celebrated On : The Tenth day of the month Dhul Hijja. Religion : Muslim The feast of sacrifice, Idul-Adha, in India pronounced Idul Azha and popularly known as Baqri Id, is celebrated on the tenth day of the month Dhu'l Hijja. It is the sacrifice made by the pilgrims and performed as part of the ceremonies of the great pilgrimage. While the pilgrims are making their sacrifices at Mina, the ceremony is observed simultaneously by Muslims everywhere. It is prescribed in the Quran. "That (is the command). And whoso magnifieth the offerings consecrated to Allah, it surely is from devotion of the hearts. Therein are benefits for you for an appointed term; and afterward they are brought for sacrifice unto the ancient House. And for every nation have We appointed a ritual, that they may mention the name of Allah over the beast of cattle that he hath given them for food; and your God is One God, therefore surrender unto Him. And give good tidings (Muhammad) to the humble. Whose hearts fear when Allah is mentioned, and the patient of whatever may befall them, and those who establish worship and who spend of that We have bestowed on them. And the camels! We have appointed them among the ceremonies of Allah. Therein ye have much good. So mention the name of Allah over them when they are drawn up in lines. Then when their flanks fall (dead), eat thereof and feed the beggar and the suppliant. Thus have We made them subject unto you, that haply ye may give thanks. Their flesh and their blood reach not Allah, but the devotion from you reacheth Him. Thus have We made them subject unto you that you may magnify Allah that He hath guided you. And give good tidings (0 Muhammad) to the good."' The above passage of the Koran has this foot-note of explanation : "The slaughter of animals for food for the poor which is one of the ceremonies of the Muslim pilgrimage is not a propitiatory sacrifice, but is in commemoration of the sacrifice of Abraham which marked the end of human sacrifices for the Semitic race, and which made it clear that the only sacrifice which God requires of man is the surrender of his will and purpose - i.e. Al-Islam." The sacrifice offered on the day of Idul-Adha has been instituted in commemoration of Abraham's willingness to offer up his only son Ishmael. The sacrificial offering is divided into three portions, one being set apart for household consumption, another for friends and relatives and the third for the poor and needy. The distribution of the offering enjoined by the holy Law is designed to provide a substantial meal to the poor on this festive occasion. The animal sacrifice can be offered on the first day of the festival or any time later till the afternoon of the third day following it. For four days on this occasion, i.e., from the morning of the ninth to the afternoon prayer of the fourteenth of Dhu'l Hijja, special praise and glory to God is recited after every prayer. The formula is this: Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great! None is worthy of being worshipped except Allah! Allah is Most Great! Allah is Most Great! Allah is Most Great! All praise is for Allah alone!"


जेकेएलएफ़ का नारा
जेकेएलएफ़ भारत पाकिस्तान दोनों की सेना को कश्मीर से बाहर देखना चाहती है.
भारत प्रशासित कश्मीर में प्रदर्शनकारियों की हत्या ने पाकिस्तान प्रशासित कश्मीर के लोगों में निस्संदेह आक्रोश पैदा किया है और वे भावनात्मक रूप से जुड़े हैं.
लेकिन इसके साथ ही पाकिस्तान प्रशासित कश्मीर में हुए हालिया प्रदर्शन में कश्मीर मामले में पाकिस्तान के किरदार पर कुछ बेचैनी भी देखी जा रही है.
लोग पाकिस्तान पर चरमपंथी गुटों का साथ देने पर खुले आम सवाल उठा रहे हैं, हालांकि पाकिस्तानी सरकार का कहना है कि वह अब चरमपंथी गुटों से सहयोगनहीं कर रही है.
हालांकि इस्लामाबाद पुरज़ोर तरीक़े ये कहता आ रहा है कि चरमपंथ को पाकिस्तान प्रशासित कश्मीर से पूरी तरह से उखाड़ फेंकने के लिए वह हर संभव कोशिश कर रहा है लेकिन वहां कई ऐसी चीज़ें साफ़ तौर पर देखी जा सकती हैं जो पाकिस्तान के दावे को झुठलाती हैं.
भारत प्रशासित कश्मीर में हालिया हफ़्तों में हुए प्रदर्शन में मारे गए लोगों के समर्थन में जेहादी नेताओं ने पाकिस्तान प्रशासित कश्मीर में खुले-आम रैलियां निकालींऔर उन्होंने चरमपंथियों की नई भर्ती का आहवान किया.
आप वहां के किसी भी मुख्य शहर में जाएं आपको वहां ऐसा परिवार ढूंढने में ज़्यादा परेशानी नहीं होगी जिसके किसी युवक ने उनके आहवान पर हामी न भरी हो या अपना नाम न लिखवाया हो.


पाकिस्तान प्रशासित कश्मीर में
पाकिस्तान प्रशासित कश्मीर में इस प्राकार के नारे भी दिखने लगे हैं जिनमें विदेशी सेना का विरोध दर्ज है.
लेकिन उसके साथ ही आप ये भी पाएंगे कि वहां एक अलग प्रकार का गुट भी लोकप्रियता हासिल कर रहा जो अपनी तरह का विरोध प्रदर्शन कर रहा है.
आठ महीने पहले जम्मू कश्मीर लिब्रेशन फ़्रंट ने "कश्मीर छोड़ो" प्रदर्शन का आहवान किया था. ये गुट भारत और पाकिस्तान दोनों देशों की सेना को कश्मीर से बाहर देखना चाहता है.
इसका पाकिस्तान पर ये इल्ज़ाम है कि पाकिस्तान ने कश्मीर मुद्दे को धार्मिक रंग दे दिया हालांकि यह एक मानवाधिकार का मुद्दा है.
इसका ये भी आरोप है कि पाकिस्तान ऐसा इसलिए भी कर रहा है ताकि वह भारत को लड़ाई के मैदान में रोके रख सके.
सैंकड़ों लोगों ने इनके हालिया प्रदर्शन में हिस्सा लिया है.
भारत का 1947 में बंटवारा हो गया और मुस्लिम बाहुल्य क्षेत्र एक नए देश पाकिस्तान के रूप में सामने आया. लेकिन बंटवारे की जल्दी में कश्मीर की क़िस्मत का पूरी तरह फ़ैसला न हो सका जहां कि मुसलमानों की तीन चौथाई से भी ज़्यादा आबादी है.
तब से ले कर हालिया प्रदर्शनों तक नियंत्रण सीमा के दोनों ओर के लोग पाकिस्तान की नीतियों पर स्वाल उठाने लगे हैं कि आख़िर इतने वर्षों में इनसे वास्तव में क्या लाभ हुए हैं.

78 bacchon ka baap .... karega 16th shaadi

How many kids do you want to have? 1… 2 or 5 or 10? Not 100 I guess! But this dad who became father of 78 children about a month back wants to have 100 children by the end of 2015.
In US, it was a big news when a couple managed to have 17 children. But this guy married 15 brides to produce 78 children. I don’t know if he remembers names and birthdates of all his wives, let alone the children. Poor guy, he has to divorce previous wives to make way for new ones in order to stay within the legal limit of four. Now he has 3 wives with him and he is looking for a new wife to make it four.
UAE national Daad Mohammed Murad Abdul Rahman, 60, is one-legged as he lost a leg in a road accident. His youngest child, Tariq, is about a month old and his oldest son, Ayoob, is 36. Two out of his current three wives are pregnent now and he is expecting two more addition in his family within a month.
One more interesting thing, his wives are multinational, who hail from UAE, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Oman. I can’t imagine how he can manage with such a diversity!
Dad daad
They (his wives) live in Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. Daad Mohammed, whose home is in Al Bustan, Ajman, spends time with each of them and has a family gettogether every Friday.
He is head of possibly the largest single UAE dynasty with 127 members, including 49 grandchildren, and has 15 houses. Two of his wives have died. Now he is going to have the same type of artificial limb – known as the Jaipur foot – that Indian dancer Sudha Chandran uses.
“After Ramadan, I will go to Jaipur to get an artificial leg and marry a beautiful Rajasthani girl,” he told Emirates Today. “I have had seven Indian brides. (source)

Daad daddy looking forward to 100 kids“My life is dedicated to my children. I gave birth to them, feed and educate them properly and take care of their needs. Once they grow I help them find a job, arrange their marriage and build new houses for them,” says Daad, his four years old son Badar sitting on his lap. “My eldest son, Ayoob Daad is in Abu Dhabi working for the air force. All the young children are going to school. Every day they take their pocket money,” he added. “A good father treats all his children equally,” he added. “Whenever they get leave, they come and talk to me. Otherwise we talk over the phone,” he added. There are fourteen houses for the Daad family and the father goes rotating to each house. “You become a bad father when you don’t meet the children’s requirements. Even if I have 70 children, I take care of their requirements without any difference,” he says. “Every hour the small kids need pocket money. So I keep lot of changes in my pocket,” Daad said showing the bulk Dhs.5 and Dhs.10 notes from his pocket.
“Occasionally I take them to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Ajman for shopping and buy new clothes. I cannot take out everyone for outing together because it may require two buses to carry all the 68 children (That was some time back when he had only 68 children). A normal bus has only 55 seats,” he says, with a naughty smile. “Whenever possible we celebrate each child’s birthday. Whoever is possible comes and attends. We cut special goats to celebrate birthdays,” he added. “Baaba (father) is good. He never beats us. I help him to walk and get his stretcher. He has only one leg and needs help,” says Sultan, one of the young sons of Daad. His mother left for India when Sultan was just four months old and it has been the father and elder brothers who took care of the four month old son. Sultan who has never enjoyed a mother’s love says his father’s love is enough for him. “I don’t know about my mother, but I love my father. He too loves me and we all respect him,” says Sultan. “We are all given mobile phones too and the bill is footed by Babaaji,” he added. “Only two of my sons smoke. When I learned that they smoke, a habit developed from peer groups in school, I told them not to worry about smoking in front of me. If they want to smoke there is no problem,” he said. “Only one son has married twice,” he adds. (source)